Rolling Stone: Matt Sorum Plans Solo LP, L.A. Benefit With Slash


Ex-GN'R drummer fights school budget cuts with Adopt the Arts

SEPTEMBER 10, 2013

Matt Sorum, known to rock fans for his drumming stints with the Cult, Guns N' Roses and Velvet Revolver, is hosting a benefit gig with Slash and Macy Gray in L.A. this Sunday for his Adopt the Arts charity, a program he started to combat funding cuts in the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Sorum will be performing, though not in his familiar role behind the drum kit. He'll be showing off his troubadour side, to be featured on his January solo album. "It's much more introspective than my usual heavy rock stuff," he tells Rolling Stone. It's more of a singer-songwriter thing. I play acoustic guitar, and it's a little mellower kind of album."

After working with one school facing budget cuts, Sorum says, "I came up with this idea – why don't I adopt the school? I'll raise the money, I'll be the figurehead of that music and art program.' So I went downtown to a rally and I spoke to the superintendent of the school district and got up there and spoke in front of the board. Basically, they held the cuts. They didn't cut the program."

Sorum has been a very active participant in the organization. "I come in with instruments, I do art programs," he says. "The curriculum I've created, it's basically teaching about where music comes from, the great artists of the blues – John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson – then it goes way back to classical. So my kids in the third and fourth grade are learning about Beethoven and Mozart, and then they're learning about modern artists, jazz – Miles Davis, John Coltrane. My curriculum is basically guitars, drums, keyboards, bass and vocals. So my kids learn modern music – Bob Marley, John Lennon – they play more modern songs even by, like, Rihanna. It's exciting and fun for them."

A year and a half after he helped create Adopt the Arts he is continuing in his quest to involve more celebrities in the battle to save schools, something he hopes Sunday's fundraiser will help not just locally, but on a global level.

"We're doing a school with an Iranian lady who wants to work with kids that speak the Farsi language. And we partnered with a really cool guy in Pakistan because I was really taken by the Malala [Yousafzai] situation, and we partnered with a guy named Shehzad Roy – he's the biggest pop star in Pakistan," he says. "We thought it was a really cool concept to bring the Pakistan community together with our kids."

The upcoming album and Adopt the Arts are both indicative of Sorum's changing outlook as he matures. "I've been sober about six years now and my life's just changing. I'm getting married, getting a little older, and I just started feeling different – not being so self-absorbed in the rock & roll world," he says. "I changed quite a bit, for the better, I think."

He also feels philanthropic work can be huge in the often narcissistic world of music. "Especially when you're in the music world and you've got people telling you how great you are all the time, a lot of people can get caught up in that. So for me I do [the charity work] – I get lost in it. It just makes you feel better," he says. "And the thing about Adopt the Arts is I really want these celebrities to get their hands dirty. I really want them to be involved, because I know what it's done for me."

Ada Evening News : Ace Harper to wed Matt Sorum


Los Angeles, Calif. — Adriane ‘Ace’ Harper and Matt Sorum, both of Los Angeles, Calif., are exchanging wedding vows at 5 p.m. Oct. 12, 2013, at Palm Springs.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Jenna and Jack Rahm and Colette and Dr. Ben Harper, all of Ada.

Parents of the future bridegroom are Joanne and Bob Alexander of San Juan Capistrano, Calif., and Linda and David Sorum of Paynesville, Minn.

Ace is originally from Ada and graduated from Ada High School. She then relocated to Los Angeles to pursue a dance career.

A singer and professional dancer, Ace trained at Cara Crawford's Central Oklahoma Dance Center in Ada.

Ace has performed with Jennifer Lopez, Pink, Lenny Kravitz, Carmen Electra, The Pussycat Dolls, Duran Duran and more. She has been featured in National TV commercials for Bud Light and Old Navy and modeled for Coke-Zero.

She has been featured on HBO’s Entourage, ABC’s Jimmey Kimmel Live, and CBS’s Two and a Half Men. She is now focusing on her music career with her band and has sung for the NFL Miami Dolphins with Dave Navarro of Jane’s Addiction, at the Indy 500, and is currently writing and recording new music.

Her fiancé, Matt Sorum, is a drummer and has been in the bands The Cult, Guns N Roses and Velvet Revolver. Matt is a Grammy award-winning musician and was recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with his band Guns N Roses. Matt is the co-founder of Adopt the Arts which works to raise money for art programs for kids in public schools in the Los Angeles Unified School district. -

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Ric O'Barry to return to the Cove backed by more than 100 events

Taiji - With little more than a week to the start of the Taiji dolphin drive season, dolphin advocate Ric O'Barry will return to the Cove backed by more than 100 individual events around the globe.
As he does every year on Sept. 1, the star of The Cove movie will be heading to Japan with volunteer Cove Monitors and international supporters from six continents. Once there, they will join-up with Japanese activists in Tokyo and Taiji, and will be on the Cove beach Sept. 1, calling for an end to the dolphin drive hunts and slaughters.


Matt Sorum  Guns & Roses singer and drummer will be at The Cove in Taiji  Japan  with Ric O Barry on...

Accompanying the dolphin advocate and his team this year, will be drummer and singer Matt Sorum, from the rock group Guns N Roses and the supergroup: Kings of Chaos. Backing them from afar will be more than 100 global events hosted by a consortium of dolphin lovers as part of an annual event called Japan Dolphins Day (JDD).

Boasting 102 listed events at its new website: Japan Dolphins, none is perhaps more poignant than the protest being planned in Tokyo. It is being organized and hosted by Japanese activist group: Action for Marine Mammals.

Taiji's dolphin drives

Japan's dolphin crisis inevitably centers on the small coastal whaling village of Taiji in the Wakayama Prefecture of Japan. Every year between Sept. 1 and March 31, dolphins across several species are driven into a tiny cove by fishermen and either slaughtered for their meat or sold (at great profit), to the captive marine industry.

Last season, according to Ceta, "1,486 dolphins from six species," were driven into the cove. "Of this total," the database said, "899 were killed, 340 were released and 247 were live-captures."

Ric O Barry displays dolphin meat for sale in Japan.

O'Barry, who is the campaign manager for both Save Japan Dolphins and the Dolphin Project, documented and questioned Japan's dolphin hunting culture in the Academy Award-winning documentary, The Cove.

Directed by Louie Psihoyos, the 2009 film is still inspiring activists today after it took the 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.

Planned events

The Save Japan Dolphins Campaign which operates under the umbrella of the Earth Island Institute, has once again partnered with the social media campaign Save Misty the Dolphin, to facilitate and coordinate events.

Japan Dolphins Day (JDD) has attracted more events this year than any other. The majority of events begin towards the end next week with many timed to coincide with O'Barry's visit to Taiji on Sept. 1. The dolphin advocate is also planning to report live from the Cove via live-stream.

Further details on all scheduled events are available through the Save Japan Dolphins Facebook page and Japan Dolphins

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-14

  • Dug the Saturday Night live Muse 1st song Madness second song a little close to Stevie Wonder for me. Kids go ... #
  • Havent heard themRT @allamericangrl8: @mattsorum What do you think of @carrieunderwood's @gunsnroses covers? :) #
  • Thank u kiss Joey for meRT @MrsKramedog: ck out this pic of my hubby's good friend @mattsorum @aceharper beautiful ... #
  • Great day in the studio recording Hollis, new artist #
  • RT @Scottlipps: My new custom built @Sjcdrums @courtneylovereal @Holerock @shawnhole Thanks guys!!!! ... #
  • We rock the opening night at Cabo for Sammy Hagars Bday bash #
  • Hagar, santriana , Anthony , Vic , Carmassi n me #
  • Sam did a Bunch of Montrose w Carmassi which was killer #
  • In Cabo , Bummed about the Dolphin exhibit here, watch a doc called The Cove
    And you'll see how they are trapped #
  • Watch dolphins in their own habitat. The Sea you don't have to ride them
    These are intelligent creatures #
  • The truth about the life of Dolphins in captivity #

  • This is your dolphin rideRT @Daniela_Paz__: @mattsorum Look at this: Taiji: Third captive dolphin being place in ... #
  • Dolphins live 90 days to 2 yrs in captivity and 45 years in their home "The Sea" #
  • One Dolphin sells to people like Seaworld up to 100k, Hunts like In Taiija keep young and kill the old.
    Stop going ... #
  • One Dolphins sells to Seaworld for 100k hunts in Taiji keep the young and kill the old. Stop going to dolphin shows and the hunts will stop. #
  • This guitar will be up for auction @adoptthearts santriana, hagar, Anthony #
  • Killer jam at Cabo me and Hagar, Santriani, Anthony #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-07

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-30

    Trailer for the tribute to Deep Purple my new lineup Kings Of Chaos is on #
  • California spends 6x more incarcerating a prisoner that educating a child.
    If they keep cutting programs this will ... #
  • That's roughly 50k per prisoner 8600 per student. Educate don't incarcerate @adoptthearts #
  • We need prison reform for nonviolent offenders. In the world we are 5 percent of the population . With 25 percent ... #
  • We fight for the kids, that can't fight for themselves. @adoptthearts #
  • The kids didn't cause all the problems ,
    The adults did..... @adoptthearts #
  • Its your taxes we have to take a standRT @TheXclass: It's really a choice @mattsorum If we don't invest in ... #
  • Don't you want to know where your money is going ?? Send your tax deductible donation to we are a 501c3 @adoptthearts #
  • I am an official endorser of @monsterproducts check out their gear
    Killer #
  • I remember it well RT @OneGunRanch: Beautiful early fall day at One Gun Ranch! #
  • I thought Billy Joe Armstrongs Rant was the most punk rock thing he has ever done. Then he had to go and ruin it by ... #
  • Rock N Roll = No Rules #
  • Thank u MI RT @MIHollywood: Big thanks to @mattsorum who held his audition for Darling Stilettos here yesterday and ... #
  • Not a classy business trust me RT @Tola_o: @mattsorum Kicking a man when he's down? Not classy. #
  • Sorry to hurt ur feelings just my opinion ive played with Iggy hes a punk rock front for real RT @MattRamz23: ... #
  • Time to get back to a positive world
    Not the competitive world of the music business where everyone is ready to ... #
  • Its like a new diseaseRT @allamericangrl8: -_- People who diss @mattsorum <<<<<<<<<<<<< #
  • They feed you Kesha and Green Day like they feed you Cornflakes #
  • If Its their band , management works for them not the other way aroundRT @LukaStjimmy: hey @mattsorum, @bjaofficial ... #
  • Not better just different its a human thing RT @MattRamz23: @mattsorum i dont want you to think i dont respect you, ... #
  • We didnt choose who inducted us RT @absentdealer: @mattsorum i agree with you about kesha and green day, but you ... #
  • Now thats funnyRT @ronjamesQB: @mattsorum how can you diss one of the greatest frontmen in rock history everyone ... #
  • No I am honoring the legacy , but that was punk rock of Axl and the Sex Pistols ever heard of the Pistols ? @MattRamz23 #
  • Yes I'm afraid it's been the end of an era for awhile. You can thank Livenation and clear channel for that. Proud ... #
  • The 90s was the beginning of the death of great rockstars Grunge happened RT @Liana_Nieves: @ronjamesQB @mattsorum ... #
  • Why? Because people are behind a wall called the Internet. faceless and disrespectful RT @49ergirl24: @mattsorum ... #
  • Thats not what i said is it?RT @Liana_Nieves: @mattsorum lol i happen 2 like grunge. :-) #
  • I didnt say that i said it was the death of rockstars RT @ronjamesQB: @mattsorum so you have no respect for the bands after the 90's #
  • I don't mind the debate you guys
    Its all personal opinion.
    Some people do need to be educated
    Though #
  • Bands are more worried about how to market themselves than writing great records. Buying songs individually is the ... #
  • Would Jim Morrison or would Jimi Hendrix have been on twitter?
    Doubt it #
  • This is the modern backstage pass to converse with artists and luminaries
    A super human stew for the masses #
  • Don't get me wrong I love Billie
    Just was bummed he apologized
    I liked the rant that's all.
    Reminded me of the Ol ... #
  • To bad the business is all a monopoly and run by the man, and you have to answer his command , it's all politics #
  • I like opinions on my profile not name calling , I never slagged Billie I just had an opinion of the situation. An observation if you will. #
  • It's all good today , happy to be alive
    Having a conversation with this wild wacky world . Have a killer weekend #
  • Heading to @littlekidsrock San Fran w @adoptthearts more music for the kids #
  • Opinion does equal Slag #
  • Opinion doesn't equal slag #
  • "Music is your only friend till the end"

    Jim Morrison #