Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13

  • Great day ridin Harleys to the Beach Very Blessed. Beautiful day in California #
  • Thursday at Myhouse. Send off Benefit for Abolish Slavery then headin to Haiti with Global Sound Lodge. Come #
  • Have Aussie Band The Next in my studio. I'm doin 2 tracks tomorrow. Did ACDC doc on Bon Scott today with old friend Lonn Friend. #
  • RT @AaronCohen777: The benefit/party is tonight in LA at 9PM 7080 Hollywood Blvd w/Matt Sorum of Guns n Roses, DJ Reflex....plz RT #
  • Great day in the Studio.finished my tracks with AussiE Band The Next and recorded the kids from Rosewood School for Haiti relief song. Fun! #
  • Great turn out tonight for Abolish Slavery . Thank u all that came and Donated. Especially the gentleman that got the Ovation Guitar for 13K #

Join my new humanitarian music project Global Sound Lodge .org

Hi Friends

This is my new site. It is a humanitarian music project. Our goal is to have this around the world creating a new musical consciousness network ala The Global Sound Lodge. I travel to Haiti June 18th to bring guitars to a refugee camp there along with Partner Lanny Cordola and friend Aaron Cohen who rescues children of Sex Slavery. It will be covered by CNN.

So I urge you to get on the site. You can download stems and write your own part and upload with your own page.

Have fun and let's try and bring some peace and Harmony to the world.
One Note at a time!!!!


Matt Sorum and Lanny Cordola

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Visit Global Sound Lodge

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

  • Tommy Lees house for some amazing grub, cooked by the man himself. I was very impressed, Chicken w Goatcheese and sun dried Tomatoes #
  • Piven loves Lola. Jammed at Jeremy pivens w Derek sum 41 . Jeremys a cool dude and good drummer. Brought my f #
  • Wow man,what a blessed life.Picked up a Martin Guitar yesterday. 40 yrs old with so much soul u can feel it,signed by the late Ernest Tubbs. #

Legendary Photographer JIm Marshall passes away

The world has lost a great cultural icon ,
Jim Marshall passed away lastnight in NYC
at the age of 74. I was proud to call him my friend for the last 22 years.
I met him on tour when i was playing with The Cult.
Our singer Ian Astbury asked Jim to join us on tour. He traveled with us on many adventures
across America, as we open for Metallica on The Justice For All Tour. Being a huge fan of Rock n Roll
and the people Jim photographed I picked Jims brain for stories of his glory days behind the scenes
of the greats he shot like The Doors, Hendrix, Bob Dylan, The Who, Stones, The Beatles, Janis Joplin and many more.
His Jazz photography was unparalleled. He shot Jazz greats John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Monk among others.
He captured the essense of the personality behind the musician, By capturing them in their natural state. He wasn't a fan of posed sessions and always carried 3 german film cameras around his neck to capture the perfect moment.
The stories that went with the photographs were mesmerizing , The famous photo of Johnny Cash flipping the bird was actually at Jim himself, Jim was the only photographer allowed at The Beatles last concert. The Stones invited Jim into the Exile on Main ST sessions as he captured
classic moments. I have many of his pieces and have always told those stories he told me with pride as I share them with visitors at my house. He once sent me his entire collection of drummers he had shot, Ringo to Max Roach. I was overwhelmed with his kindness and felt honored that I knew him. He lived in the same house in San Francisco that was a museum for the music lover. I spent time there drinking scotch, which he loved, scouring through his file cabinets of stuff he forgot he had shot. He just sent me a photo of Miles Davis that was unreleased because he learned I named my French Bull Dog after the jazz legend.
He was a sweet gentle man who had a rough exterior from years of hard living. I will miss him dearly , but am grateful that I met him and was able to call him my friend,

Say hello to all your old friends for me, Jimi,Janis, Coltrane ,Lennon, and Miles

I love you JIM


Global Sound Lodge To play with Donovan

Had the pleasure of working with legendary folk singer Donovan in my studio
on Saturday. March 19th Global Sound Lodge which is myself and longtime music partner Lanny Cordola
will Join Donovan on stage at The EL Rey Theater and we will join him on his classic Atlantis.
It is all to benefit the David Lynch foundation. Review of a movie I was in "The Heart Is a Drum Machine"

What is music? It’s a simple question, but it leads director Christopher Pomerenke in many complicated artistic and scientific directions in his documentary The Heart Is a Drum Machine, out Tuesday on DVD.

It’s an expansive, inviting film, which embraces everything from Voyager’s Golden Record and aboriginal funeral chants to brain-music therapy and pop music branding. Along the way, Pomerenke’s mostly unassuming movie is enhanced by interviews with artists, scientists and others deeply invested in charting the pathways of the heart, the prenatal vibration that establishes our musical universe, as well as the mind that modifies those vibrations into meaning.

Read More

Iggy Rules

Found an old shot of me and the boys back a few years
around the time I joined Guns. Me,Slash and Duff played With
Iggy for the release party of his album Brick by Brick
I remember how fun that was

Global Sound Lodge up and running on ITunes

Global Sound Lodge first track is available on itunes today.

The song is called Hands Together, Vocals by Lanny Cordola and myself
with guest solo by Slash.
all proceeds will be donated for Haiti relief.

Also congrats to Slash on the release of his solo album.
I know how hard he has worked on it. At least a year or more.
He has been wanting to do this as long as I have known him.
So Bravo!!!!

Congrats Shaun!!!

Congrats to Shaun White for his amazing Gold medal win

he is a super cool guy and I am proud to say I know him