Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03

Slashes superbowl hat and guitar

Slash's stuff from Superbowl

Sent from space the final frontier


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-27

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-20

  • RT @Jessicaveronica: RT @DitaVonTeese: If you can, text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to Japan's emergency relief. #♥forjapan #
  • Just another day in Paradise with @darlingstiletto Ace Harper #
  • Go @mark_mcgrath Gary Busey is the craziest make @charliesheen look like Mickey Mouse #
  • Life is one big oyster and I like oysters One door shuts another one opensRemember there is a plan and its not yours #
  • In the studio today with Cherie Currie and Kenny Laguna mixing the record. We are really close to completion. #
  • Blessings to JapanAnd prayers for the people there. Try to do one thing for someone else today. hittin the studio with Cherie #
  • SXSW kids rockin Texas. #
  • New Cherie Currie album offically Mixed. Mastering soon so keep u posted on release date and webisodes launch #
  • Don't know if Corgan is Irish but Happy Birthday @Billy #
  • In Austin SXSW the Kids are Rockin #
  • Happy Birthday @AaronCohen777 Love you man You are an amazing human beingThank u for helping people that can't help themselves #
  • Japan Stay strong. Everyone send love and prayers to the people of Japan Domo Arigato #
  • Bands to see tonight in Austin@SINAIBAND and @duffmckagan64 at Austin music hall #
  • Austin is Rockin .So fun here and great with bands everywhere.Very refreshing @sinaiband was rockin @DuffMcKagan64 threw down the punk rock #
  • Austin is so cool and completely going off with killer music everywhere #
  • Black Angels are a trip watching them nowIn Austin #
  • RT @DuffMcKagan64: Thanks Austin Music Hall!. @Loadedlamf is out!! Thanks @revtheory @Filter @10years @MattSorum #

Amanda Seyfried sings and records at my studio

Hi friends,
Got a last minute call from my friend Happy Walters
music supervisor for The Fighter, Big Lebowski among others
he asked if I would put together an acoustic version of Little Red Riding Hood
by Sam The Sham and the Pharaohs for Amanda Seyfried to sing.
She has a beautiful soft voice so i did acoustic, strings, piano and bells
Happy co produced vocals with me in a few hours and we shot this webisode as well
Amanda was a joy to work with . Super talent and a true pro.

check it out here

We Won

Sent from my iPad


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-27

  • I now have 14k followers
    Thank u
    Would love everyone to be here
    I hope I can share some positive vibes with all my friends here on twitter #
  • Thoughts and Prayers for the people of Christchurch NZ #
  • Trousdale tonight . Thank god there is a rockclub in back. I had to walk thru the other stuff to get there. But when I made it it was heaven #
  • Had dinner with the legendary Yoshiki from X-Japan . He is so cool and great to see him. So happy they are back. A new album coming. #



Pierce Brosnan, Charlie Sheen, Matt Sorum and Bret Michaels Bruno v Tyson '96 Las Vegas, Nevada USA Circa 1996 Photo by Jeff Kravitz/

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20

  • RT @Dan_Strat5: Yo @Slash @DuffMcKagan64 @mattsorum just watching the VR live in Houston dvd and.... WOW!!! As ever! #
  • Showtime is 11 now at Whiskey so u can make it if ur coming from the Grammys. Whiskey agogo tonightDarling Stilettos #
  • Mick Jagger is still the greatest he schooled everyone on GrammysHe doesn't need an egg. RNR lives #
  • Arcade Fire, beautiful noiseReminds me of Sonic Youth the original noise band. Well maybe Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett #
  • RT @darlingstiletto: Thank u! RT @Metrulzica: Images I captured of @mattsorum & @darlingstiletto performing ... #
  • At Rock of Ages premiere sitting behind Max Martin and Dr. LukeGuess they know good music afterall. Except Styx of course #
  • Don't forget to check out @darlingstiletto new epk #
  • Don't forget to check out @darlingstiletto new #
  • Darling stilettos #
  • RT @Photos_Gunners: Matt Sorum and Axl Rose #WeWantGNRinRIR2011 #
  • Probably the coolest guy in RNR RT @PlayaDelNacho: Olha a cara de constrangimento quando perguntam do Matt Sorum -- ... #
  • Just ran into Lionel Richie on Melrose such a nice guy. We talked music and how good he looks for his age. He's got ... #
  • My friends at Saltwater spa in Cabo for my big 50th bash in NovemberJust got this picThanks guys #
  • RT @Pink: RT @regdude2: @askjillian If you're looking 2 buy and english bulldog, 150 just dumped at the Lancaster ... #
  • Global Sound Lodge has landed in Vegas guitars for a shelter here today.Let the healing begin #
  • The Shade Tree shelter in Las VegasGot 2 new guitars from Global Sound Lodge. Much Joy ... #
  • 2 new friends from The Shade Tree Shelter in Vegas. Beautiful children #
  • With my favorite Chef and friend Kerry Simon at Simons Vegas #
  • At Love Beatles show at MirageBeautiful show and the music is remixed and classic. Thank you David Saltz and Happy 5th Anniversary #
  • Well I'm over here on BB twitter now. After my love affair with Ubertwitter. She left me. And I am sad #
  • Me and Ace getting our reading in today #