Hope u all got what you wanted for CHristmas

Lola says hope u had a great Christmas

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-26

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-28

  • Hey peeps, lost my phone in mexico just got it back thank god. Had my big bday there. The other side of a half (cont) http://tl.gd/754vri #
  • Had the best time in Mexico ever. People are so cool. Have to live on the beach there someday soon #
  • Gobble, gobble #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-21

A Big Birthday

Yep its happenin I'm turning 50. How am I feelin about it?? I'm alright. I'm actually surprise I made it this far. Had many close calls and have had quite a life up to now. I have mellowed a lot in the last couple of years and things seem to be easier somehow. I don't sweat the small stuff I quess.
I have done so many things and traveled so many places and have met so many great people in my travels.
Have I made mistakes ??
Plenty...but at this phase of my life I feel like resentments and feelings I held when I was younger for situations I was in at the time seem so minuscule now. Let Bygones be bygones if you know what I mean.
A lot of it is like watching somebody elses movie. Like the GNR years . Feels like another lifetime. And how I was then is so removed from who I am now. Gratitude is where I am at. The fact that I have lived my dreams that have gone far beyond my expectations. There is nothing that life can hand me I can't handle at this point. It wasn't always easy. But knowing that I am always grounded. And did have moments when I wasn't when I was younger.
So that being said I look forward to what the future holds. Life is more exciting than ever.
50 and ready to rock



Rock N Roll A GoGo Viper November 12th

The Original Rock N Roll A GoGo at Viper November 12th midnight

Darling Stilettos RNR A Go Go Oct 15th Viper

Come Rock at Viper Room Oct 15th midnight show
