Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-12
- RT @nicefishfilms: Nice to see @mattsorum 's shovelhead again. #
- Today VIvian Westwood in LA with my girl Ace She is very happy. Back to work on new project, coloring video tomorrow #
- Rockin with Darling STilettos at Revolution Lounge at 1am at Mirage for the 5th Love anniversary party with Paul Mc Cartney #
- RT @lightgroup: Come to #Revolution TONIGHT at 8pm to celebrate the 5-year anniv. of #Love and catch a performance ... #
- RT @Pink: RT @QuotesQueen82: @butchwalker : Alice is 15 & has terminal cancer. One of her wishes is to trend on ... #
- Amazing time in Vegas . Paul McCartney, yoko ono, and the Love 5th anninversary after party played by Darling Stilettos. Good times #
- Shot by @realcarrotop lastnight at Revolution lounge. Thanks for coming out @Slash and @CrissAngel #
- Back in the studio with new project to be announced soon. Music is killer , video almost done #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05
- Amazing trip to Brazil Just got back. Have many new friends there. Absolutly love it there. Kiara Rocks is my new project there #
- RT @cadupelegrini: @mattsorum You´re amazing. such a great person and musician. thanx for the honor to work with you!!!!!! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-29
- Check out my friends @chocstarpatton New jewelry line #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-22
- One more day of RNR Fantasy Camp shooting. I have a cool bunch called The Bad KIck. Can't wait for you all to see it #
- RT @darlingstiletto: @mattsorum at RNR Fantasy CampWith his band The Bad Kick tonight at HOB #
- Me and Sammy Hagar at RNR Fantasy Camp Lastnight. #
- Lola and Bowie say what's Up!!!!! #
- With Mark at Barons hats making a block for a hat #
- Just ran into Matt Cameron from Pearl Jam and Soundgarden great to see him again. Alan from QOTSA too #
- Done editing new Video for new band project Keep yah posted #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-15
- RT @BillyMorrison: Watching Dave and Martin do Personal Jesus - fucking cool!! #
- Finished video today for new project Will update shortly. Project name is killer, and have huge cameos to be announced shortly. #
- Happy Moms day I start RNR Fantasy Camp for VH1 tomorrow Stay tuned #
- RT @Key_Club: TUESDAY: FREE @RockFantasyCamp SHOW with: @DuffMcKagan64, @MattSorum, and @MarkHudsonMusic! Info at #
- Hey guys Come to @Key_Club tomorrow 6pm RNR fantasy camp show for VH1 Free first come first will rock #
- My RNR Fantasy Camp band did great Played the KeyClub already and Rocked the house. Fun being the mentor guy. #
- Hey rockin a new video edit tonight 3am and have to be at RNR Fantasy in 5 hrs Rock ... #
- Hello Bed, video is sick will unleash asap. #
- Today w Marky Ramone and Duff McKagan #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08
- hey friends, Good to live in CaliforniaTo beautiful #
- Dave Lombardo and Me and the Big 4 #
- Meet Baron Von Storm #
- Scotty is the real deal on Idol Kid just sang WIllie. 17 real talent The rest whatever. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-24
- RT @CrissAngel: @mattsorum #guns amp;roses @ 9:30 show. Both sold out shows loved the new #motorcycle mentalism ... #
- Went to see my friend @CrissAngel lastnight a must see. He's completely re vamped it with a bunch of new tricks. ... #
- Just saw Elvis at Aria in Vegas Incredible show, a must seeI was blown away.. #
- RT @VegasNews: PHOTO: Velvet Revolver Drummer Matt Sorum at Viva ELVIS by Cirque du Soleil - ... #
- RT @Cirque: @mattsorum Thanks for visiting us! Come back and see us again! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-17
- Iggy Pop broke the mold on America IdolWhat is sacred anymore. If he says it cool Then I guess it is, he's the god father of cool #
- Hey friends, lots of recording going on for my new project. 6 songs in the can and 2 more to come. Then rehearse and gigs #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-10
- Good day in the studio today. New project that is going to be sick #
- Havin fun in Drac studios making music that's feels good. #
- More good tunes for the new band project in Drac studios today. Most excited I've been about music in a long time. #