Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-20
- RT @sebastianbach: Bach Alive In Concert Cabo San Lucas December 1 w Magnificent 7! 1st time ever playing Cabo! ... #
- Come on down Juliette RT @JulietteLewis: @mattsorum @sebastianbach What?! Theres gonna be more Rocknroll in Cabo? ... #
- RT @DiamondBabyband: Iggy Pop Slams Canada's Seal Slaughter via @PETA Just another reason ... #
- My new venture @Vikingfit coming soon. So stay tuned. #
- RT @AceHarper: Have u seen my band @DiamondBabyband video? We had so much fun shooting it. Check it out here: #
- RT @DalaiLama: We tend to forget that despite the superficial differences between us, people are equal in their ... #
- RT @MIHollywood: Who's psyched for @MattSorum tonight at 6? Hope we meet a lot of you online in the livestream ... #
- I am speaking tonight at Musician Institute on my career to now and how I've manage to do this for a living for the last 33 yrs. #
- Did my thing at Musicians Institute . I hope it help shed some light on a few questions you might of had about the music business. #
- This is a sweet bikeRT @NickPerri: Hell yeah, one of my fav bikes is now for sale thru the PERRI INK. Cartel. ... #
- RT @AudioPerception: Spent 2 days last week rewiring in @mattsorum studio. Helped add in all his cool new ... #
- Congrats Billy. Life is goodRT @Billy: This might be the happiest, most peaceful time of my life. A great woman, ... #
- Where is that ShackRT @Shackylove: #
- Luv yah too Pal ,tear it up while ur still young RT @Shackylove: @mattsorum im on shack tilt. Luv ya #
- RT @DalaiLama: We must work together. Humanity needs more genuine cooperation. #
- Christmas present ideas?? #
- If u like The Cult Beyond , Good and Evil use drums Christmas is coming ... #
- Amazing song and Vocal by Baz Buy the albumRT @sebastianbach: @mickeyhaydn hey thanks, glad u dig "wishin'" . ... #
- Thanks Pal miss yahRT @RickCalamaro: I wanna wish my old friend @mattsorum a happy birthday. miss ya brother, hope to see you soon! #
- Thanks for all the cool Birthday wishes. It feels real nice. 51 but feel like a million bucks #
- RT @AceHarper: Happy Bday to the love of my life @mattsorum I am so grateful to have u as my partner in life. U ... #
- Thank You everyone for the cool Bday wishes Don't feel a day over 25 . Ready to Rock!!!!! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-13
- RIP Andy Rooney of 60 minutes. I will miss your social and political commentary. You were from the old school, pure genius #
- Watched all 4 seasons of MadMen in 2 weeks. Now on my Sons of Anarchy, tonight Boardwalk empire #
- I like a good badass soloRT @NotthefakeBrett: Andy Andersson just laid a badass solo down! Hell yeah! #
- Good songRT @Slash: Listen to "Beggars and Hangers" off the upcoming live album, Made in Stoke:... #
- Congrats NickRT @NickPerri: RT @PERRI_INK: HOT off the press!!!!!!!!! (you gotta read this!) #
- Ur offically a Cabo Rat. I'm headin to Loreto , MexRT @JulietteLewis: Can u see this flyer? I want u to check out ... #
- Got our Christmas tree already. Ace wanted to get started early. We are grateful. #
- RT @AceHarper: RT @DalaiLama: The purpose of spiritual practice is to effect a transformation in our attitudes; ... #
- Check out If u haven't already. A few pieces left. #
- RT @theroxy: Sign the petition to save the Keith Haring mural in Melbourne! #
- Best to my friend @RocDok and his family Who lost Coco their dog yesterday. Hardest thing in the world is losing a pet. #
- Happy Birthday @joshfreese a scorpio drummer brutha. Mine is the 19th #
- RT @AceHarper: Congrats @NickPerri on the grand opening of @PERRI_INK cartel. Great nite! @DiamondBabyband and ... #
- Friends check out Valora. Syd is my friend and she rocksRT @valoramusic: @mattsorum great seeing you and the ... #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-30
- A night of Mad Men repeats and Boardwalk Empire #
- In Drac studios today hookin up new delays and crazy effects from TC Electronics. Diamond Baby needs to sound trippy. #
- Found these babies going through my locker. My original Promark signature 1990 . ... #
- Everyone knows that @JulietteLewis rocks rt?? She is part David Lee Roth part Iggy Pop and part Bengal Tiger . #
- This was painted special for me by Brazilian artist Paulo Calfat. He painted with ... #
- RT @THE_CULT_: *The Cult’s Ian Astbury on Patti Smith*: "As we rush headlong into the abyss of spectacle ... #
- Aunt Lola Jemima #
- My new health venture go here for health tipsRT @Vikingfit: Ten glasses of water a day is not enough , do more it won't hurt ya !!! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-23
- Pretty sure that was Backstage at the Roxy for a gig we did RT @SlashLovers_: #Friends !! @Slash n @mattsorum ! #
- Biff singer of Saxon stopped by Drac studios tonight . What an honor #
- Finished @cadupelegrini and Kiara Rocks album today. Been mixing and working on it since May. Congratulations ... #
- Just finished mixing 2 new DIamond Baby tracks. RT @DiamondBabyband: now mixing... #
- Drac Studios has been busy. Sebastian Bach and Biff from Saxon on Dee Sniders new record last night and ... #
- About to hit 25K friends Thank you everyone #
- Congrats to@duffmckagan on NY times bestseller list for his new book Its So Easy and other lies #
- Sad day in Ohio 49 exotic animals killed . People let's respect animals of this magnitude. Not cage and abuse ... #
- Humans caused this not animals. UNderstand?? Derek RT @IAmTheDerekD: @mattsorum if those animals had attacked a ... #
- Don't forget Jack Hanna is one of them. Paid by Zoos and Sea World to protect their interests. #
- All follow @DiamondBabyband Thanks friends #
- 2 new songs mixed for @DiamondBabyband More Than a friend and Young Love #
- That's rt I'm here people spread the word getting ready to break out manRT @RokDrummer: @Obi_Sean i know right? i ... #
- Going to see my 98 year old Granny today. See likes to go out to dinner. And has her fav spot. Dennys #
- Obama announced the troops are coming home for the holidays before the holidays. How can you knock him for ... #
- Check out FairGame great movie about Joe Wilson played by Sean Penn #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-16
- RT @BrodyDalle: RT @OfficialCANCER: 11yr old Harry Mosely passed away at 11am from a brain tumor, he raised over ... #
- Ryan Gosling in Drive channeling a young Steve McQueen. He didn't do it for the money, he did it for Love!!! A Mans Man #
- Okay friends @Perri_Ink new website is up check it out #
- Aint that the truth But I do dig it #
- RT @mikefasano: R.I.P. Freddie Gruber 1927-2011 Jazz drummer & teacher. #
- Woke up early today, strange for me. One thing I am blessed with is I picked a job that allows me to sleep in a ... #
- Will be on my bodies in 5 hrs Tweet with me with the meaning and no googling. I winner tweet the winners name #
- U win!!!!RT @1N50MN14: @mattsorum God is love #
- Told yah RT @MysteriosoMan: @mattsorum Scotty from Idol's album has debuted at #1 You are psychic! #
- Here it is by Adam Daniel at Perri_ink a lil swollen but looks killer #
- The crew at Perri_Ink 7303 Melrose Motorcycle stuff, tattoos, haircuts and guitars ... #
- RT @mattsorum: Here it is by Adam Daniel at @Perri_ink a lil swollen but looks killer #
- RT @mattsorum: The crew at @Perri_Ink 7303 Melrose Motorcycle stuff, tattoos, haircuts and ... #
- Don't forget to check out Some pieces left but going fast #
- Hot Child in The City (Nick Gilder) He could have wrote that about Ace today in LA Where its cookin man #
- Happy Birthday Mr Sammy Hagar !! I believe he is 64 and looks quite good. A great guy and longtime friend #
- RT @Diamondbabyband: @DuffMcKagan great job on Dr. Phil...u look great! Xo @mattsorum n Ace #
- Thanks @Dave_Navarro for Thankin me on the liner notes of the new Janes Addiction ... #
- RT @Rhythmsteady: @mattsorum What happened to your release with Cherie Currie? Did it get pushed back? Would love ... #
- Looks like The Cherie Currie record I produced will be coming out beginning of next year. Guests include BIlly ... #
- Headin to the Greek to see Jason Bonham Led Zep Experience #
- Jason Bonham is soundin amazing . Sittin next to Paul Rodgers and the Bonham family #
- Jason was incredible and did an amazing Job honoring the music. Caught Zoe Bonhams ... #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-09
- ManRaze at the Roxy tonight Paul Cook and Phil Collins band. Then Chateau w Billy Duffy Ran into Amanda Seyfried . Cool Hollywood night #
- I meant Phil Collin and Paul Cook from Manraze at Roxy tonight #
- RT @Lisa_Veronica: Autumn!! #
- Rest in peace Steve Jobs. The visionary master #
- For all you cool tech enthusiasts This is a cool mic company I am working with Keep Rockin #
- A Ru Paul sighting today in LA, He's a snappy dresser #
- Check out my John Bonham reissue limited Stainless Steel Ludwigs #
- Congrats @scottlipps just saw a great piece on E One management #
- An old shot from the back cover of Use your Illusions . 1 or only 2 band photo ... #
- Hit Perri Inc today 7303 Melrose with Shop owner Nick Perri. Picked up a cool ... #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-02
- RT @janemarielynch: WONDERLAND SCHOOL FUND RAISER! my kid's Laurel Canyon public school. @mattsorum rocks! #
- RT @GrantFitz: Always a fun gig with the Mag 7. @mattsorum @BillyMorrison @mark_mcgrath & the gang #
- Boardwalk Empire is back finally. The best show on TV. So excited #
- Old Friend Che Zuro from my band Population 5 In Park City #
- RT @JohnnyRyanJr: last day to donate! Spread the word @mattsorum @RocDok @TracyCraighead ... #
- Okay kids , have to let these babies go ... #
- If you haven't seen my new art project Check it out at There are some pieces left but going fast #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-25
- Me and Earl From GNR days. #
- Thank You #nick and Cisco adler and all at @theroxylot scottsdale for a cool gig w Mag 7 lastnight off to Vegas to ... #
- Shot of Magnificent 7 at Roxy Scottsdale lastnight Mark Mcgrath, Steve Stevens , Morrison and me on guitar #
- Got these babies up on ebay #
- An article about Drummers brains #
- Hey Guys have been obsessed with Elephants lately . And have always loved this amazing being. Really don't like the ... #
- Thanks @sincitysinners Had a rockin good time tonight at Crown Room at the Rio #
- Hit the @bluemangroup in Vegas tonight heres Ace w one of the boys #
- JEff Tortora, Blas Elias, Vince and me at Blueman Group Vegas last night #